I know it’s Memorial Day Weekend, so I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Today, I just want to share about something that’s coming around the corner. But first, speaking of Memorial Day… I’m very thankful for the members who have come and gone—sacrificing their lives for our freedom. God gives us different gifts, strengths, and weaknesses. No gift is greater than the other. You have some people who are gifted with their hands, and some who are gifted with their wisdom. Some are gifted with their creative ideas, and some are gifted with their compassion. But some are gifted with their spirit of courage. Courage to go out into the battlefield. Courage to face an enemy. Courage to die, so others could live a better life. So, I’m thankful for the brave men and women who made the decision to leave their families and loved ones behind and risk their lives for a future they weren’t sure they’d ever see… To the families, friends, and loved ones that lost someone who served, we think of you on Memorial Day, as well. And to those who served and returned home… to those who continue to serve this very moment… to those who are willing to stand up for freedom that comes in different forms, whether it’s where I live or somewhere on the other side of the world, thank you for your courage and strength. This bravery is such a blessing. And I look forward to the wrongs we see now being made right in the future. Now, for today’s topic…
Are You Ready for Hurricane Season?
June is right on our doorstep. So, I know many of us are getting ready for summer. Summer begins June 20… But before we say “hello” to the summertime, we start the Atlantic Hurricane Season in just a couple days. Now, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting another above normal season. But regardless of how active this season is going to be, given that I live in Florida, it’s always good to be prepared early. And depending on where you live, you should, too. According to the NOAA, the East and Gulf Coasts (from Texas to Maine) and the Caribbean islands are prone to hurricanes during this time of year. So, if you live in any of these regions, I encourage you to start preparing, if you haven’t already. While you prepare, you may be able to save a little money. According to the Florida Department of Revenue, the Florida Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday lasts from May 28 to June 6. So, if you also live in Florida, you can pick up certain supplies for the next week tax-free. Supplies like batteries, flashlights, and ice packs are all tax-free for the time being. But there are certain price limits. For a full list, you can click here to check out the Department of Revenue’s list, or you can click on the image below…

If you’re not in Florida, find out if there will be a sales tax holiday where you live. According to personal finance website The Balance, Texas and Alabama had their tax-free holidays earlier in the year, and Virginia has one coming up in August. If something like this isn’t offered where you live, don’t forget to look for the best deals in stores or online. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Stay safe, have fun, and Happy Memorial Day!
With gratitude,

Melody C. Kerr, MS
Writer, Editor, Financial Coach
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